As with most of everyone, I’ve spent a lot more time cleaning this year. Disinfecting everything, cleaning things sometimes twice in a day, and making sure I stay sane through it all.
Today, I want to share some of the products I’ve used to clean. I’ll give you a hint – it’s not Lysol. In fact, I’ve made my own Lysol before.
Now, these products are readily available and some will last a long time. I’ll also share some homemade recipes as well.
Let’s go!
Best Quick Deep Cleaning Product: Mr. Clean: Clean Freak
I love this because I can use this pretty much everywhere – the stove, the counters, and the toilet. It doesn’t cost very much at all and it leaves a nice, clean scent.
Amazon has it on sale for $18.99 (the bottle plus a refill) but I’m positive you can get a single bottle for under $7 at your local grocery store.
Best Multi-Purpose Spray: Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Everyday Cleaner
I really love how fresh the scents are in this brand and I use it more often than I should, lol. I primarily use this in the kitchen and in Bear’s bedroom because that’s where he sleeps and goes to school.
It’s nice and light, and it cleans very well. Your home will smell hella clean all day!
Best All-Purpose Cleaner: Pine-Sol
Yes, Pine-Sol. This baby cleans everywhere – the kitchen, the baseboards, the bathroom, the toilet, the floors, the sinks. PERIODT.
You don’t have to use a lot to get a good, deep cleaning, and a big bottle can literally last you ALL YEAR. If you don’t like the scent of pine, you can always try one of their other scents!
Best Disinfectant: 3M TB Quat Disinfectant
I know..I didn’t say Lysol, right? Honestly, Lysol is pretty hard to find. I also learned from secondhand information (I still need to verify this, btw), you will have to keep spraying Lysol for it to be effective.
Enter 3M.
Honestly, I didn’t know the tape company made disinfectants, but if there’s a demand, someone has to supply? I didn’t have to use too much of this but I found it to be very effective in cleaning my toilet, doorknobs, and trash cans – the places most people would definitely be using. A little definitely goes a long way, and believe me when I say it’s potent. You will probably need to dilute.
Amazon has it listed for a whopping $13.50, but I’m sure you can find it much cheaper at your local store. I bought this for $5.99 at Target.
Best Homemade Solution: Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Honestly, I can swear by this! And I’m more than happy to share the recipe!
- Spray bottle
- 2 Teaspoons of Castille Soap
- 1 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide
- 1/2 cup of Distilled Vinegar
- Tea Tree Oil
- Lemongrass Essential Oil
- Lavender Essential Oil
- 2 Cups of Water
Add all of the ingredients and shake before use. Spray and wipe! 🙂
(I’ll even have a YouTube later on how to create this very spray!)
Best Homemade Air Freshener/Disinfectant: Yours Truly!
I’ve shared this recipe before so I’m very happy to share it again!
That is all for this cleaning edition of MTB. For those hosting Thanksgiving this year, good luck and stay safe! For those who are going to stay home, order in, and Netflix it, have fun and recommend something for me to watch!